The spotlight!
It’s been almost three months since our last digest. The absence of posts was caused by a slight decline in our industry, but we will discuss that in the next segment. First, we want to send praises to two SWAPD members who, despite the slowdown, kept pumping sales and made sure their success rates were high.
#1 - The current king of deliverance is @professorfacebook!
We’ve decided to give @professorfacebook the #1 spot because of his incredibly high success rates. We also believe his pricing is fair compared to other sellers. Over the past months, we’ve seen @professorfacebook deliver over and over again, with very few unsuccessful cases on his record. With 88 positive reviews, you can be sure that you’re in safe hands while dealing with him. As far as we know, he has been the most successful with managing disabled/banned accounts. Make sure to check out his sales topic here if you’re looking for that type of help:
#2 - @Lunar - The never stopping PR machine.
If you want your name out there, whether it is for personal or business reasons, @Lunar is the SWAPD member to try. Lunar is a long-time SWAPD member and our Millionaire Club member, and he is our official top salesman of ALL time.
Even though, at times, @Lunar can be overwhelmed with work and some deadlines aren’t met, his reviews speak for themselves. Willing to give him a try? Check out his sales topics by clicking here.
The current state of our niche business
Have you noticed a drop in interest in your social properties? How about services? If you did, it’s not just you. In the past 90 days, things have been slightly declining as far as activity goes. For example, we went from 3 000 000 hits per month down to 2.4m. Can this be attributed to COVID-19? The global economic war? Inflation? The conflict in Ukraine? How about the World Cup? Perhaps all of these factors? Either way, we personally feel somewhat of a mini-recession that has landed on our doorstep.
The good news is that it’s not just SWAPD that’s affected. After analyzing data from our competitors, we’ve actually faired well compared (for example) to FameSwap. Just last month, they have lost 40% of their traffic, according to
We’ve been countering this problem with paid ads that cost us thousands of dollars per month. We were able to (somewhat) stabilize the recent decline in activity and believe we’re currently holding a firm ground. But the current global situation gives us a bleak outlook for the upcoming months. With crypto bleeding, and inflation draining our wallets dry, it’s safe to say that our industry isn’t immune to this slowdown.
We want to hear your opinion!
Have you noticed a slowdown? If so, has it affected your online income? How is the current situation in your country? Here is a rundown of what’s happening in our homeland (where SWAPD is registered) country, which is Poland.
- They’ve hiked taxes by 9%, bringing the total up to 28%
- Inflation is at 17%
- Housing market is slowly crashing
- Energy prices are up 400-700%
- Food/living expenses are up 100-300%
Many business analytics are claiming a global recession which is starting right now. Predictions are that it will last a few years. Let’s hope it doesn’t, and I hope our SWAPD members will pull through this economic slowdown.
Thank you for reading!
EDIT: Last minute poll!
- Yes
- No
- Maybe a little